Maybe you’ve grown up as a Christian going to church or maybe you’re not interested in religion at all. But when you’re scrolling, hanging out with friends, trying to sleep, or overwhelmed with your day-to-day, do big existential questions ever pop in- you know- things like, “Why am I here? How did all this get here? What happens after I die?” “Is there a God and is there really meaning to all this?” ”What’s so special about Jesus Christ?” We’ve all experienced deep longing for something this world can’t seem to satisfy. Even someone as wildly successful as Taylor Swift knows that to be true. “I had won album of the year at the Grammys for a second time...” She said, “and I remember thinking afterwards, ’Oh my god, that was all you wanted!... That was all you focused on. You get to the mountaintop and look around and you’re like... what now?” If you’re tired and feeling overwhelmed with all the different voices yelling for your affections- telling you what to go after- whether it be success, beauty, the perfect partner, social media followers, money, or power… only to leave you let down and unsatisfied, searching for more… Maybe like my friends and me, you’re after finding something REAL. Every week, join me (Janell Wood), special co-hosts and guests as we ask questions, look for answers, and search for the source of something REAL: Restoration, Eternity, Authenticity, and Love. I believe those things can ultimately be found in relationship with Jesus Christ, but don’t take my word for it. Listen to our conversations for yourself and go on a journey with us: Is Jesus the REAL thing?
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Abortion: Big Questions and This Cultural Moment with Robby Lashua
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Happy Wednesday!
Today on the podcast, we welcome back Robby Lashua. Robby chats about his work as an apologist with Stand to Reason, how he responds to current cultural criticism, and why he talks about sensitive topics like abortion.
Robby shares arguments for the pro-choice movements and talks about why he is pro-life. He shares why he chooses to defend the pro-life position through science and philosophy and shares a bit about ethical dilemmas that come up in conversations about abortion. They chat about why the cultural position on abortion has shifted so much, why the end-goal of this life isn’t happiness, how Christians can stand up for the Christian pro-life position, and so much more.
About Robby
Robby Lashua is the newest Apologist at Stand to Reason. Formerly, Robby was the Pastor of Apologetics at Desert Springs Community Church in Goodyear, AZ, an Associate Professor at Mission Bible Institute, and host of Christ, Culture & Coffee, a weekly apologetics podcast. Having earned his Bachelor’s Degree from Arizona Christian University, a Master’s of Divinity from Phoenix Seminary, and a Master’s Degree in Christian Apologetics from Biola University, Robby has a passion for equipping the church with good reasons to believe in classical Christianity. Most importantly, Robby has been married to his wonderful wife, Kelly, for over 13 years. Together they are raising four amazing kids to love and serve Jesus.
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Stand to Reason
The Reality Conference
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Surrendering the Secret
Proverbs 15:1
”A gentle answer turns away wrath,
but a harsh word stirs up anger”
1 Corinthians 13:6
”Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.”
John 10:10
”The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”