Maybe you’ve grown up as a Christian going to church or maybe you’re not interested in religion at all. But when you’re scrolling, hanging out with friends, trying to sleep, or overwhelmed with your day-to-day, do big existential questions ever pop in- you know- things like, “Why am I here? How did all this get here? What happens after I die?” “Is there a God and is there really meaning to all this?” ”What’s so special about Jesus Christ?” We’ve all experienced deep longing for something this world can’t seem to satisfy. Even someone as wildly successful as Taylor Swift knows that to be true. “I had won album of the year at the Grammys for a second time...” She said, “and I remember thinking afterwards, ’Oh my god, that was all you wanted!... That was all you focused on. You get to the mountaintop and look around and you’re like... what now?” If you’re tired and feeling overwhelmed with all the different voices yelling for your affections- telling you what to go after- whether it be success, beauty, the perfect partner, social media followers, money, or power… only to leave you let down and unsatisfied, searching for more… Maybe like my friends and me, you’re after finding something REAL. Every week, join me (Janell Wood), special co-hosts and guests as we ask questions, look for answers, and search for the source of something REAL: Restoration, Eternity, Authenticity, and Love. I believe those things can ultimately be found in relationship with Jesus Christ, but don’t take my word for it. Listen to our conversations for yourself and go on a journey with us: Is Jesus the REAL thing?
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Out of the Mud Puddle into the Ocean with Stephanie Rousselle
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Happy Wednesday!
We are happy to welcome Stephanie Rousselle back to the podcast! She is joined by two young women who are special to Janell— Leonie and Zoe!
Stephanie shares about her upbringing in France, her pursuit of academic excellence, how she went from an atheist to someone who surrendered to a God she wasn’t sure she could fully trust. She talks about how she wrestled with fully surrendering to God and how getting to know God’s character helped her with her decision to trust Him.
They also have a great discussion of prayer, what changes practically when she surrendered to God, and how she found such a peace and joy in surrendering to God. They also have a discussion about the place of rules or guidelines in the Christian faith. Lastly, Stephanie has one challenges Zoe and Leonie (and any young person who is questioning whether or not God exists). We hope you enjoy this episode!
About Stephanie Rousselle
Stephanie Rousselle is the founder of Gospel Spice Ministries. Her motto is, “God’s glory, our delight!” She thrives on Bible-centered inspirational writing and speaking, and dark chocolate. She knows herself too well to take herself seriously... Born and raised in France, she has lived for her One over the last two decades on three continents, four countries and five cities through six professional roles. She is a wife, mom, podcaster, public speaker, Bible teacher, former women’s ministry director and strategy consultant. And she is 100% French. She loves sharing nuances taken from the French and English languages and cultures to experience the New Testament from the inside out. She has quoted her favorite words more times than she can count, first to herself and her children, and then also in settings as diverse as Bible studies, conferences, podcasts and more: “There is nothing you can do for God to love you more; and there is nothing you can do for God to love you less.”
We would love to thank our Patrons for all their amazing support! To learn more about supporting Finding Something REAL via Patreon, click here!
FSR s5e26 with Leonie
FSR s5e17 Totti’s Intro Episode
FSR March 2021 with Stephanie Rouselle
FSR March 2021 with Lu
Gospel Spice website
Gospel Spice episode with Dallas Jenkins
Gospel Spice episode with Jonathan Evans
Jonathan Evan's eulogy for his mom
The Weight of Glory and Other Addresses, C. S. Lewis
”It would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.”