Maybe you’ve grown up as a Christian going to church or maybe you’re not interested in religion at all. But when you’re scrolling, hanging out with friends, trying to sleep, or overwhelmed with your day-to-day, do big existential questions ever pop in- you know- things like, “Why am I here? How did all this get here? What happens after I die?” “Is there a God and is there really meaning to all this?” ”What’s so special about Jesus Christ?” We’ve all experienced deep longing for something this world can’t seem to satisfy. Even someone as wildly successful as Taylor Swift knows that to be true. “I had won album of the year at the Grammys for a second time...” She said, “and I remember thinking afterwards, ’Oh my god, that was all you wanted!... That was all you focused on. You get to the mountaintop and look around and you’re like... what now?” If you’re tired and feeling overwhelmed with all the different voices yelling for your affections- telling you what to go after- whether it be success, beauty, the perfect partner, social media followers, money, or power… only to leave you let down and unsatisfied, searching for more… Maybe like my friends and me, you’re after finding something REAL. Every week, join me (Janell Wood), special co-hosts and guests as we ask questions, look for answers, and search for the source of something REAL: Restoration, Eternity, Authenticity, and Love. I believe those things can ultimately be found in relationship with Jesus Christ, but don’t take my word for it. Listen to our conversations for yourself and go on a journey with us: Is Jesus the REAL thing?
Wednesday Aug 07, 2024
Science Points to the Ultimate Designer with Melissa Cain Travis
Wednesday Aug 07, 2024
Wednesday Aug 07, 2024
This is the seventh episode in a series of episodes dedicated to a young woman named Lizzy. Today we're talking with special guest, Melissa Cain Travis, a fellow of the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture. Lizzy is a college student from Chelan, Washington. Lizzy grew up in a loving Christian home but has a lot of questions about God, identity, and purpose. She is a very curious person and is someone who often takes things literally. She admits she struggles with anxiety and wonders why God pursues her when it's hard for her to trust Him. She says she's sensed Him trying to get her attention but is unsure about having experienced His love. Lizzy and Janell have known each other for seven years.
About Melissa Cain Travis, Ph.D.
Melissa Cain Travis is a science and religion scholar with a special interest in the intersection of science and Christianity in the Western tradition. She is the author of Thinking God’s Thoughts: Johannes Kepler and the Miracle of Cosmic Comprehensibility (2022), Science and the Mind of the Maker: What the Conversation Between Faith and Science Reveals About God (2018), and a contributing author for The Story of the Cosmos: How the Heavens Declare the Glory of God (2019). She is a Fellow of the Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture, a course instructor at DiscoveryU.org, and a core writing team member for The Worldview Bulletin and Shadowlands Dispatch. She regularly lectures at conferences, universities, classical schools, and churches around the country.
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